Bodysmith Bodyworkers

If you’re a regular client of the Bodysmith, you know we have all sorts of classes to address many different fitness goals. You can build core strength and flexibility with Pilates and Yoga. If you want Cardio and strength there is HIIT or Kettlebell. A desire for movement and relaxation will bring you to Tai Chi.

But what you may not know is the variety of bodyworker you can get at the studio.  Both of them have learned several techniques and have combined them into very unique and effective treatment methods. They can address almost any ache or imbalance you’re having.

Polly Brandman is is trained in classical Swedish Massage, Thai Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy, Active/Assisted Isolated Stretching, Trigger Point Therapy, and Reflexology. Polly’s style of combined massage techniques encourages circulation, the flow of lymphatic fluid which helps to remove toxins and the aftereffects of exercise like delayed onset muscle soreness. It directly addresses contracted muscle fiber and fascia, helping the tissue to lengthen and relax.  A massage allows for a time to totally relax and reset how our bodies interpret “normal.” If you have muscle soreness, inhibited range of motion, need lymphatic drainage, or have stress, massage can work wonders.

Her rates are:
$40 - 30 minutes
$75 - 1 hour
$110 - 1.5 hours

To book a massage, call or text Polly at 417-894-8757 or through her email at 

Tracy Maxfield is trained in multiple treatment methods. He is certified in Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT), Spinal Reflex Analysis (SRA), Neurokinetic Therapy (NKT), and Proprioceptive - Deep Tendon Reflex (P-DTR). He has combined these modalities into a very powerful style of treatment. Tracy would say, while others work with the body's hardware, he works with the software by using sensory receptor based therapy. Whatever issue you’re having, Tracy may be able to help. It’s hard to describe a session, but if you go in with an open mind and give him at least three treatments, you will find yourself amazed at the results. 

You can find more information about the work he does, his rates, and how to contact him to book an appointment at